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Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary
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Registration Help

In order to register with the web site:
  1. Fill in your username and e-mail address on the registration form .
    • We require an e-mail address so we can reach you in case of problems, and because this makes it a little bit harder for spammers to create accounts automatically.
    • Both the e-mail address and username must be unique in the system. If some one else has already used your username, the system will inform you, and you will need to choose another one.
  2. Click the “Register” button at the bottom of the form.
  3. The system will send you an e-mail message with the information you need to complete the registration process.
    • This e-mail message should arrive in a few minutes, but delivery times are unpredictable.
    • If the registration message doesn’t arrive for an hour or more, enter your username or e-mail address at the request new password page to have another automatic message sent.
    • If it doesn’t work, write to for help.
  4. Click on the link in the e-mail message (or cut-and-paste it into a web browser).
  5. Fill in the “Password” field with your desired password, and enter the same value in the “Repeat Password to Confirm” field.
    • Note that it’s asking for the new password twice. People often get confused, and think it’s asking for an old password, which they don’t have.
  6. Click the “Submit” button.
  7. Once your password is set, your registration is complete. You can search the dictionary by clicking the “Search” link.
  8. Help is available by clicking on the “Help” link near the top of the page.
  9. For more help, write to